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Add MDC variables in JsonLayout - log4j2

How to add MDC variables in the json log generated by JsonLayout of log4j2. I've used KeyValuePair tag to add properties like host name into the log, but I didn't found any way to add MDC variables into it. In pattern layout I used %X{traceId} but I'm sure JsonLayout can't parse those conversion chars(As far as I know conversion chars are used by pattern layout only). I went into source code of JsonLayout but didn't found function which actually puts all of the data into the log message.

Thank you.

like image 760
omjego Avatar asked Sep 21 '18 15:09


1 Answers

What you're looking for is a log4j2 lookup. It sounds like you're interested specifically in the Context Map Lookup as you mentioned MDC (which is now called ThreadContext in log4j2 by the way).

Here is a simple example:

package example;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.ThreadContext;

public class ThreadContextExample {

    private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ThreadContext.put("myKey", "myValue");
        log.info("Here's a message!");

Here is the log4j2.xml configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="WARN">
        <Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
            <JsonLayout compact="false" eventEol="false" stacktraceAsString="true">
                <KeyValuePair key="myJsonKey" value="${ctx:myKey}"/>


        <Root level="debug">
            <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>

and finally some sample output (shortened for readability):

  "thread" : "main",
  "level" : "INFO",
  "loggerName" : "example.ThreadContextExample",
  "message" : "Here's a message!",
  "myJsonKey" : "myValue"
like image 178
D.B. Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 03:11
