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Add Line Number to existing HTML




I'm trying to add line numbers to existing html with unequal line height - many types of font size and also images. each line look like -

<div id="1"><right><span>line 1</span></right></div>
<div id="2"><right><span>line 2</span></right></div>
<div id="3"><right><span>line 3</span></right></div>

is there simple way to add line numbers that will be vertically align? thanks

like image 663
Gil Avatar asked Mar 30 '17 06:03


People also ask

How do I add line numbers in HTML?

Style the Textarea We can use the built-in counter function in CSS in combination with counter-increment to add the line numbers. The counter function expects an arbitrary name that we define for counter-increment . This is going to add the content inside a ::before pseudo-element.

How do you put a line between text in HTML?

To add a line break to your HTML code, you use the <br> tag. The <br> tag does not have an end tag. You can also add additional lines between paragraphs by using the <br> tags.

How do I split a line into two lines in HTML?

To do a line break in HTML, use the <br> tag. Simply place the tag wherever you want to force a line break. Since an HTML line break is an empty element, there's no closing tag.

1 Answers

By inspiring from this question, I have developed a solution for your question. You can use the counter-reset and counter-increment property to achieve this

            .container {
              counter-reset: line;
            .container .lineNum {
                display: block;
                line-height: 1.5rem;

            .container .lineNum:before {
                counter-increment: line;
                content: counter(line);
                display: inline-block;
                margin-right: .5em;
    <div class="container">
        <div id="1" class="lineNum"><right><span>line 1</span></right></div>
        <div id="2" class="lineNum"><right><span>line 2</span></right></div>
        <div id="3" class="lineNum"><right><span>line 3</span></right></div>

like image 159
Nitheesh Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 10:09
