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Add javascript into WebView

I am developing an application where in 1 part I want to add javascript into WebView.. But am not getting how to do it in an appropriate way.. Can anyone pls guide me into this?????

I am doing it like:


        wb.loadUrl("javascript:<script " ></script> ");
        wb.setWebViewClient(new HelloWebViewClient());

 public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
            return true;
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Kanika Avatar asked Dec 16 '11 10:12


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Can we use JavaScript for Android? Yes, of course! The Android ecosystem supports the concept of hybrid apps, which is a wrapper over the native platform. It mimics the UI, UX, and all kinds of hardware and network interactions, just like how you would use a native Android app.

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1 Answers

It was very simple..also without using any javascriptInterface..In my code, Instead writing:

 wb.loadUrl("javascript:<script>   </script>");


  wb.loadDataWithBaseURL(null,"<script>   </script>","text/html","utf-8",null);

and its working now :)

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Kanika Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10
