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Add extra fields for each menu item

I am making a theme. There I want to add extra fields for each menu items ( Appearance > Menus and i.e). In the picture below I want to add some extra form fields ( like radio button, textarea and etc. ) under the field "Description":

menu item wordpress

Is there any way or tutorial about how can I do this?

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Md Kowsar Hossain Avatar asked Jan 13 '14 13:01

Md Kowsar Hossain

1 Answers

I was looking for the same thing. I found these, all of which work differently.

https://gist.github.com/kucrut/3804376 simple to use and straightforward if you plan to build an elaborate class (note: with mods this could be used for checkboxes, radio, color pickers, ect)

https://wordpress.org/plugins/sweet-custom-menu/ This worked well, very simple, adds a txt field. (note: it overrides the whole wordpress_walker class)

http://www.johnmorrisonline.com/how-to-add-a-fully-functional-custom-meta-box-to-wordpress-navigation-menus/ This is very different, it adds an entire mettabox type to the admin menu panel on the LEFT. I elected to use this as I was building my own version of a "mega menu" and wanted to add widgets. With enough work on this item and the one above anything is possible.

Good luck!

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Christian Žagarskas Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Christian Žagarskas