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Add element to list before specific element




I have a list of items, lets say 100 items. I need to add another element before the existing element that matches my condition. What is the fastest way and the most performance optimized to do this? ie.:

foreach (var i in myList)
    if (myList[i].value == "myValue")
        myList[i-1] add ("someOtherValue")

Maybe i should use other container?

like image 261
kul_mi Avatar asked Nov 19 '12 16:11


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1 Answers

First you could find the index of your item using FindIndex method:

var index = myList.FindIndex(x => x.value == "myvalue");

Then Insert at the right point:


Note that inserting at a given index pushes everything else forward (think about finding your item at index 0).

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Jamiec Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10
