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Add days to Date in ActionScript

We have an application in which the user has to enter a date who's value is no more than 30 days after the the current date (the date on which the user uses the application). This is a Flash application, therefore I need a way to add 30 days to the current date, and get the right date. Something like in JavaScript:


Or in C#:


Is there such a thing in ActionScript?

like image 920
Lea Cohen Avatar asked Sep 15 '09 07:09

Lea Cohen

2 Answers

While the other answers will work im sure, it is as easy as doing:

var dte:Date = new Date();
dte.date += 30; 
//the date property is the day of the month, so on Sept. 15 2009 it will be 15

This will even increment the month if necessary and year as well. You can do this with the month and year properties as well.

like image 55
Ryan Guill Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09

Ryan Guill

I suggest that you look here: How can you save time by using the built in Date class?.

It should be something like this:

var date:Date = new Date();
date.setDate(date.date + 30);
like image 21
Jacob Poul Richardt Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 20:09

Jacob Poul Richardt