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Add dash in auto complete phone number




Is it possible to automatically add a dash "-" in auto complete?

Let say I have a phone number field and if someone will type their phone number in it the browser auto complete will show.


This is the browser auto complete value 1234567890

Once they select that I want to automatically format it to this


Because there are some site that they dont have a validation format into their phone field you can input 10 digit number continuesly and once you have that in your browser cache it will also display into other phone field.

Thanks in advance.

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Bernie Carpio Avatar asked Jul 11 '15 01:07

Bernie Carpio

People also ask

Do you put dashes between phone numbers?

Hyphens are also used to separate numbers that are not inclusive, such as telephone numbers or Social Security numbers. Hyphens are likewise used in URLs and email addresses, and to spell out a word letter by each letter.

Can Excel format phone number with dashes?

In the Format Cells window, (1) click on Number and in the menu (2) choose Custom. Then, (3) type the format with country code – +1 (###) ###-#### – and when done, (4) press OK. As a result, the numbers are formatted with the country code, parentheses, and dashes.

2 Answers

You can try this code.

$(function () {

    $('#txtnumber').keydown(function (e) {
       var key = e.charCode || e.keyCode || 0;
       $text = $(this); 
       if (key !== 8 && key !== 9) {
           if ($text.val().length === 3) {
               $text.val($text.val() + '-');
           if ($text.val().length === 7) {
               $text.val($text.val() + '-');


       return (key == 8 || key == 9 || key == 46 || (key >= 48 && key <= 57) || (key >= 96 && key <= 105));

HTML input

<input id="txtnumber"   type="text" maxlength="12" placeholder="xxx-xxx-xxxx" />

You can also see in jsfiddle


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Dipak Parmar Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Dipak Parmar

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Shakeeb Ahmad Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Shakeeb Ahmad