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Add class to ember link-to



I try to build a link to a nested route and want to add a class to this link (for twitter bootstrap)

The result should something like this:

< a href="/#/rents/42" class="btn btn-primary btn-small">do something< /a>

First try:

{{#link-to "rent" rent}}

gives me a link to the ressource but I cannot specify a (css) class. In the docs I see that only the title attribute can be specified

Second try:

< a href="/#/rents/{{rend.id}}" class="btn btn-primary btn-small">do something< /a>

is also a bad idea, because Ember will add its helper tags [for automatic updates] in the href.

So what can I do?

like image 865
user2016429 Avatar asked Jan 27 '13 22:01


3 Answers


{{#link-to 'rent' rent class='btn btn-primary btn-small'}}Go to rent{{/link-to}}

As link-to is a view helper.

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sly7_7 Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 03:09


You can add classes just fine in {{#linkTo}} helpers, you just need to remember not to confuse ember.

Ember may think your class is the routeName of the params, I include the class after both params and routeName and it works fine.

{{#linkTo 'dashboard.screenshots' value.model class='thumbnail'}}


<a id="ember507" class="ember-view thumbnail" href="#/project-2/member-1/task-2/screenshot-30">
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iConnor Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 03:09


If you want manually construct something from variables - there is {{unbound}} helper in ember.js.

In yor case code will looks like:

<a href="/#/rents/{{unbound rend.id}}" class="btn btn-primary btn-small">
   do something
like image 31
sashasimkin Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 03:09
