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Add buttons for custom action to ModelAdmin

When managing Dataobjects with ModelAdmin in Silverstripe 3, i was wondering how you can add buttons for custom action to the list view as well as to the edit-page.

I've managed to add a button for a action to the edit-page by setting the ItemRequest on the ModelAdmins GridField class with the code below:

class MyModelAdmin extends ModelAdmin

    public function getEditForm($id = null, $fields = null)
        $form = parent::getEditForm($id, $fields);

        return $form;



class MyModelGridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest extends GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
    function ItemEditForm()
        $form = parent::ItemEditForm();
        $formActions = $form->Actions();

        $button = FormAction::create('myAction');
        $button->setTitle('My Custom Action');

        return $form;

    function myAction($data, $form)

        //do things

        $form->sessionMessage('My Action has been successful', 'good');

        if ($this->gridField->getList()->byId($this->record->ID)) {
            return $this->edit(Controller::curr()->getRequest());
        } else {
            $noActionURL = Controller::curr()->removeAction($data['url']);
            Controller::curr()->getRequest()->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'Content');
            return Controller::curr()->redirect($noActionURL, 302);


So the question is:

Can i have a button for the same action in the ModelAdmin GridField Listview? So that it appears next to the edit and delete button:

ModelAdmin GridField actions

like image 662
mgherkins Avatar asked Aug 21 '13 05:08


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1 Answers

You can do this by creating your own GridFieldComponent implementing GridField_ColumnProvider and GridField_ActionProvider.

In your case you can pretty much copy the GridFieldDeleteAction class and edit getColumnContent() with your own GridField_FormAction and edit handleAction() to do your magic.

like image 142
colymba Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 06:10
