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Add bullet styling to dd element


I am using dl, dt and dd tags in one of my projects. I want to show a bullet before dd. How can I make my dds into a bullet list using CSS?

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Joemon Avatar asked Nov 12 '09 09:11


People also ask

How do I style a DD in CSS?

This can be accomplished by adding a DIV element with the CSS overflow: hidden; around the content of the DD tag. You can omit this extra DIV , but the content of the DD tag will wrap under the floated DT .

How do you change the bullet style in HTML?

To set the type of bullets, use the STYLE attribute. Then set its value as “list-style-type:format” where format is the word circle, square or disc. You add the STYLE attribute within the <ul> start tag.

How do I center a bullet point in HTML without CSS?

You can use . parentOfUl{ text-align:center;} and then ul{ display:inline-block; }, and at last li{ text-align:center; }.

Video Answer

1 Answers

Easiest way is to change the properties on your <dd>

dd {
    display: list-item;
    list-style-type: disc;

Works in every browser.

See this article: http://www.quirksmode.org/css/display.html

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Jonny Haynes Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 15:10

Jonny Haynes