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Add binary distribution to github's download link

Github has this download link on the repositories. How can I add binary distributions to this list?

I cannot find any info on help.github, so a link to some documentation would be helpful.

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simendsjo Avatar asked Aug 08 '11 07:08


People also ask

How can I download the binary content of an asset?

If you want to download the asset's binary content, pass a media type of "application/octet-stream". The API will either redirect the client to the location, or stream it directly if possible. API clients should handle both a 200 or 302 response.

How do I backup my GitHub repository?

However, there are many solutions specifically designed for performing backups, such as Arq, Carbonite, and CrashPlan. Warning: These procedures will permanently remove files from the repository on your computer and GitHub.com. If the file is important, make a local backup copy in a directory outside of the repository.

Is there a size limit for binary files in a release?

For more information, visit " About releases ." We don't limit the total size of the binary files in the release or the bandwidth used to deliver them. However, each individual file must be smaller than 2 GB.

How do I distribute large files in my repository?

If you need to distribute large files within your repository, you can create releases on GitHub.com instead of tracking the files. For more information, see " Distributing large binaries ." Git is not designed to handle large SQL files. To share large databases with other developers, we recommend using Dropbox.

2 Answers

On Dec 11, 2012 "Upload Releases" functionality aka "Downloads" was deprecated.


Update: On July 2, 2013 GitHub team announced a new "Releases" feature as a replacement for "Downloads"


like image 107
Konstantin Tarkus Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 03:11

Konstantin Tarkus

There is a new kid in town: https://bintray.com/

* I am not affiliated

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fragmentedreality Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 03:11
