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Add a Class to Body Tag: Testing Existing Javascript Solution with No Results




I found a great piece of Javascript code (StackOverflow link: How to add a class to body tag?). However, I am having trouble implementing it.

Below is the code I'm using on a test page:

<!doctype html>
<title>Javascript Test</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />

<script type="text/javascript">
var newClass = window.location.href;
newClass = newClass.match(/\/[^\/]+(_|\.)[^\/]+$/);


However I do not see any class added to the body tag as a result. (Viewing Source in Safari, Chrome) I've tested with and without jQuery.

Do you see what's wrong with the code?

I'm working with a Behance ProSite. I can create multiple galleries, but each will have the same background because they use the same template. I need to add a unique class to the body tag so I can target each with a different CSS background property.

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user2347736 Avatar asked May 03 '13 20:05


People also ask

Can you add a class to a body tag?

Use the classList. add() method to add a class to the body element, e.g. document. body. classList.

How do you append a class in JavaScript?

Using . add() method: This method is used to add a class name to the selected element. Syntax: element.

2 Answers

To add a class to the body tag, you can do the following in vanilla Javascript without the need to include some fat 3rd party library

If a class already exists on the body then

document.body.className += " something";


document.body.className = "something";

Example on jsfiddle

To have the class added after the page has finished loading then use addEventListener and create a handler for the window.onload event

The load event fires at the end of the document loading process. At this point, all of the objects in the document are in the DOM, and all the images and sub-frames have finished loading.

window.addEventListener("load", function () {
    document.body.className = "something";
}, false);
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Xotic750 Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11


There's a couple minor issues with this code:

  1. Make sure the regex in match actually matches your URL patterns. I think Behance Prosites use a URL pattern like /1234/section and /1234/5678/section/item.
  2. The match function returns an array, so you can't pass newClass directly into addClass. You need to pass one of the array items, like newClass[0].
  3. Since your script is in the <head> it can't modify <body> because it doesn't exist at execution time. You either need to move the script to the bottom of the page or defer execution until after the DOM is loaded.

This snippet should work specifically for Behance Prosites. The regex matches URL path segments with at least one non-numeric character, to filter out the /1234/5678/ from the URL, so newClass[0] will be section in the above example URLs.

$(document).ready(function() {
  var path = window.location.pathname;
  var newClass = path.match(/[^\/]*[^\d\/][^\/]*/);

Good luck!

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Matt Wondra Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11

Matt Wondra