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Add a class selectively to an ng-repeat AngularJS

I have an ng-repeat for a table, I want to be able to add a class when <td> is clicked, and remove the class when un-clicked. Multiple <td> can be selected at the same time. Right now ALL of the cities are or are not getting the class applies.

For example: (lets say nodes has 100 items)

<tr ng-repeat node in nodes>
  <td ng-click="toggleMe( node.city )" ng-class"{clicked : isClicked()}" >{{node.city}}</td>

in my JS

$scope.cityArr = [];

$scope.toggleMe = function(city) {
  if ($scope.count > 0) {
    angular.forEach($scope.cityArr, function(value) {
      if (city === value) {
        $scope.clicked = false;
      } else {
        $scope.clicked = true;
  } else {
    $scope.clicked = true;
  $scope.count = 1;

$scope.isClicked = function() {
  return $scope.clicked;
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user1876246 Avatar asked May 12 '14 21:05


People also ask

Does ng-repeat create a new scope?

Directives that Create Scopes In most cases, directives and scopes interact but do not create new instances of scope. However, some directives, such as ng-controller and ng-repeat, create new child scopes and attach the child scope to the corresponding DOM element.

What is the use of NG-repeat in AngularJS?

AngularJS ng-repeat Directive The ng-repeat directive repeats a set of HTML, a given number of times. The set of HTML will be repeated once per item in a collection. The collection must be an array or an object. Note: Each instance of the repetition is given its own scope, which consist of the current item.

How do you use two ng-repeat in a table?

You can nest two ng-repeat together in order to create a more complex table. The first ng-repeat in the tr tag will create the rows and the second one in the td tag will create one column per element in the collection.

3 Answers

Right now there is a single clicked property on the scope that you're changing and everything refers to that. Try to put clicked on the node instead...

$scope.toggleMe = function(node) {
  if ($scope.count > 0) {
    angular.forEach($scope.cityArr, function(value) {
      if (node.city === value) {
        node.clicked = false;
      } else {
        node.clicked = true;
  } else {
    node.clicked = true;
  $scope.count = 1;

And in the ngRepeat...

<tr ng-repeat node in nodes>
  <td ng-click="toggleMe( node )" ng-class"{clicked : node.clicked}" >{{node.city}}</td>
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Anthony Chu Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 03:10

Anthony Chu

You don't need a special function or controller to accomplish this:

        <tr ng-repeat="node in nodes">
            <td ng-click="node.highlight = !node.highlight" 
                ng-class="{ highlight: node.highlight }">

Full Plunker example: http://plnkr.co/edit/1hdcIOfz0nHb91uFWKrv

I could show you the controller I used by it's empty except for the test data. You don't need a function.

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JPRO Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 03:10


Alternately, the code can use a separate array and $index to set classes:

<tr ng-repeat="node in nodes"
    ng-class="{ highlight: highlightRows[$index] }">
  <td class="x" ng-click="toggleHighlight($index)">

This approach is useful if you want to separate Model data from View data.


angular.module("app", [])
.controller("TestController", function($scope) {
  $scope.highlightRows = [];
  $scope.toggleHighlight = function(idx) {
      $scope.highlightRows[idx] = !$scope.highlightRows[idx];
  $scope.nodes = [
    { name: "Alpha", date: new Date(), city: "Omaha" },
    { name: "Bravo", date: new Date(), city: "New York" },
    { name: "Charlie", date: new Date(), city: "Minneapolis" }
table {
  border-collapse: collapse;
  font-family: sans-serif;
td {
  padding: 5px;
  border: solid black 1px;
.x {
  cursor: pointer;
.highlight {
  background: yellow;
<script src="//unpkg.com/angular/angular.js"></script>
<body ng-app="app" ng-controller="TestController">
     <h3>Click on X to highlight</h3>
        <tr ng-repeat="node in nodes"
            ng-class="{ highlight: highlightRows[$index] }">
          <td class="x" ng-click="toggleHighlight($index)">
          <td>{{node.date | date}}</td>
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georgeawg Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 03:10
