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activeTab permission issue for Chrome extension


I'm running the following code in a background.js script for my Chrome extension:


function handleCapture(stream) {
  console.log('content captured');
  console.log("backround.js stream: ", stream);

  // localStream = stream; // used by RTCPeerConnection addStream();
  // initialize(); // start signalling and peer connection process

function captureCurrentTab() {
  console.log('reqeusted current tab');
  chrome.tabs.query({active : true}, function(tab) {
      console.log('got current tab');

          audio : true,
          video : false
      }, handleCapture);

However, this gives me the following error:

Unchecked runtime.lastError while running tabCapture.capture: Extension has not been invoked for the current page (see activeTab permission). Chrome pages cannot be captured.

However, I specifically am granting activeTab permission in manifest.json:

"permissions": [

Thanks for your help!