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ActiveStorage checking if file exists is slow

When creating a variant, I am seeing slow times just to check if the file exists. The strange thing is that I do not see the slow times when the file gets uploaded. How can we speed this up?

It happens when you call something like this.

@object.artwork.variant(resize: "100X100")

Notice the slow time (over 1 second!) just to check if the file exists.

S3 Storage (1149.3ms) Checked if file exists at key: variants/K6XGSR9uuyEG17Vd6HXSLyew/4c1922cb9e0ee90688549c6a10906cc59c45f90ab173febdd7ae9dfc72c0378b

You can recreate in the console with


The above is an actual example from production, but normally we see average times in the 300ms range.

like image 782
John Pollard Avatar asked Mar 21 '18 20:03

John Pollard

1 Answers

I think this is just the way it works. I'd suggest storing your variants as separate attachments instead.

There's an issue on the Rails GitHub about it:


February 2020 update: storing variant records in the database is coming in Rails 6.1

like image 156
Tim Down Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10

Tim Down