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Active Android many-to-many relationship

Although this question is about ActiveAndroid, anyone who is familiar with ORMs could probably answer this question.

ActiveAndroid doesn't seem to give you a way to do many-to-many relationships out of the box. What I found while searching for a solution was this GitHub issue: https://github.com/pardom/ActiveAndroid/issues/46

I understand that it's explicitly creating the relationship table, but I don't understand how the following part is supposed to do anything useful:

public List<Foo> foos() {
    return getMany(Foo.class, "FooBar");
public List<Bar> bars() {
    return getMany(Bar.class, "FooBar");

This would result in a query like SELECT * FROM Foo where Foo.FooBar = FooBar.Id;. This would return at most one Foo row. Am I missing something?

Don't you need a query involving a join?

like image 207
Barum Rho Avatar asked Jul 15 '13 02:07

Barum Rho

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Instead, create a third class to represent an associative entity (or cross-reference table) between the two entities. The cross-reference table must have columns for the primary key from each entity in the many-to-many relationship represented in the table.

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1 Answers

Let's say you want to select all Foos for one specific Bar, you would do this:

List<Foo> foos = ((Foo) new Select().from(FooBar.class)
                .where("Foo = ?", this.getId())
like image 125
Gabriel Hernández Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 12:10

Gabriel Hernández