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Activation function after pooling layer or convolutional layer?

The theory from these links show that the order of Convolutional Network is: Convolutional Layer - Non-linear Activation - Pooling Layer.

  1. Neural networks and deep learning (equation (125)
  2. Deep learning book (page 304, 1st paragraph)
  3. Lenet (the equation)
  4. The source in this headline

But, in the last implementation from those sites, it said that the order is: Convolutional Layer - Pooling Layer - Non-linear Activation

  1. network3.py
  2. The sourcecode, LeNetConvPoolLayer class

I've tried too to explore a Conv2D operation syntax, but there is no activation function, it's only convolution with flipped kernel. Can someone help me to explain why is this happen?

like image 958
malioboro Avatar asked Feb 21 '16 23:02


People also ask

Does convolution layer have activation function?

An activation function is the last component of the convolutional layer to increase the non-linearity in the output. Generally, ReLu function or Tanh function is used as an activation function in a convolution layer.

Is activation a layer in CNN?

A non-linearity layer in a convolutional neural network consists of an activation function that takes the feature map generated by the convolutional layer and creates the activation map as its output.

What is the difference between convolutional layer and pooling layer?

A conv-layer has parameters to learn (that is your weights which you update each step), whereas the pooling layer does not - it is just applying some given function e.g max-function.

Where does fully connected layer comes after convolutional layer or pooling layer?

Fully Connected Layer. Fully Connected Layer is simply, feed forward neural networks. Fully Connected Layers form the last few layers in the network. The input to the fully connected layer is the output from the final Pooling or Convolutional Layer, which is flattened and then fed into the fully connected layer.

2 Answers

Well, max-pooling and monotonely increasing non-linearities commute. This means that MaxPool(Relu(x)) = Relu(MaxPool(x)) for any input. So the result is the same in that case. So it is technically better to first subsample through max-pooling and then apply the non-linearity (if it is costly, such as the sigmoid). In practice it is often done the other way round - it doesn't seem to change much in performance.

As for conv2D, it does not flip the kernel. It implements exactly the definition of convolution. This is a linear operation, so you have to add the non-linearity yourself in the next step, e.g. theano.tensor.nnet.relu.

like image 178
eickenberg Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 06:09


In many papers people use conv -> pooling -> non-linearity. It does not mean that you can't use another order and get reasonable results. In case of max-pooling layer and ReLU the order does not matter (both calculate the same thing):

enter image description here

You can proof that this is the case by remembering that ReLU is an element-wise operation and a non-decreasing function so

enter image description here

The same thing happens for almost every activation function (most of them are non-decreasing). But does not work for a general pooling layer (average-pooling).

Nonetheless both orders produce the same result, Activation(MaxPool(x)) does it significantly faster by doing less amount of operations. For a pooling layer of size k, it uses k^2 times less calls to activation function.

Sadly this optimization is negligible for CNN, because majority of the time is used in convolutional layers.

like image 33
Salvador Dali Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 06:09

Salvador Dali