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Action Pack components in Rails

I'm a Rails beginner and reading RailsGuides.

In RailsGuides, it says:

Action View and Action Controller are the two major components of Action Pack.
- RailsGuides Action View Overview

and in Action Pack section of Rails on GitHub, it says, Action Pack consists of Action Dispatch and Action Controller components.

My questions is, what are the Action Pack components in fact?

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tkymtk Avatar asked Oct 29 '13 01:10


1 Answers

ActionPack is a bundled with ActionController and ActionView. While processing any request, behind the scene both action view and action controller play a big role in processing the request. However, the ActiveRecord and ActionPack both are a different set of components. As @Leandro mentioned both the view and controller layer put together as a one single component as ActionPack.

ActionPack = ActionController + ActionView

enter image description here

Hope this helps!

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Prabhakar Undurthi Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 00:11

Prabhakar Undurthi