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Accumulate count of list's within another list

Currently i have code like below. A list embedded with in another list, and i want to get the total count of the embedded list objects.

I want to write a quick oneliner for this. Is there an efficient Lambda or FP trick i can do in Java 8?

int totalNo = 0;
for (ClassB classB : listOfClassB) {
    totalNo+= classB.getAnotherObjList().size();
like image 317
Saad Avatar asked Jan 18 '19 22:01


Video Answer

3 Answers

long totalSum = listOfClassB.stream()
     .mapToInt(elem -> elem.getAnotherObjList().size())

I think the result of sum is a long as several integers can go past the max int value; you can always cast it if you are confident that it won't result in overflow.

It is not quite a one-liner at least as formatted above but arguably it fits in a single expression.

In case and element in the first list is null or if getAnotherObjList() returns a null you can support that by filtering out those cases:

long totalSum = listOfClassB.stream()
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Valentin Ruano Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 20:10

Valentin Ruano

Another way, using collectors:

int totalNo = listOfClassB.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.summingInt(classB -> classB.getAnotherObjList().size()));

An equivalent way, only with method references:

int totalNo = listOfClassB.stream()

Or mapping in the stream instead of in the collector:

int totalNo = listOfClassB.stream()
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fps Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 21:10


You can also try:


This is very concise and elegant. If ClassB::getAnotherObjList does not return too many items performance would not be a problem.

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fastcodejava Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 20:10
