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Accessing WidgetCenter from Objective-C App

I have an existing Objective-C app and have developed a SwiftUI iOS 14 Widget for it. So far so good. Now I am trying to reload the timeline from my Objective-C app. I understand that there are no Objective-C api for accessing WidgetCenter, so I have implemented the bridging steps outlined in Apple's documentation (at least I think I have since I am totally new to Swift). I cannot seem to be able to get Widget Center nor WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines()recognized in my Objective-C app. I have tried many approaches with no success, so I must be doing something wrong. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

like image 825
grwilde Avatar asked Aug 10 '20 03:08


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1 Answers

I faced with the same issue. The solution for this was to create a swift file for example: WidgetKitHelper. Create the assigned swift-objc header with that too (bridging header file) if it not generated automatically you can add it by manually (search for it). In the helper object you can get access to widgetkit, and if you do the rest to be able to see the swift code from your objc code, you can use this as a wrapper.


import WidgetKit

@available(iOS 14.0, *)
@objcMembers final class WidgetKitHelper: NSObject {

    class func reloadAllWidgets(){

        #if arch(arm64) || arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)


obj-c code:

First import the swift code by adding:

#import "YourProjectName-Swift.h"

Then you can use:

[WidgetKitHelper reloadAllWidgets];
like image 144
incmiko Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 15:10
