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Accessing props in vue component data function

I am passing a props to a component:

       // other html code
       export default {
          props: ['messageId'],
          data: function(){
             var theData={
                // below line gives ReferenceError messageId is not defined
                somevar: messageId,
                // other object attributes

In above code, I have commented the line that gives the error. If I remove that line, it works as normal and template renders properly (and I can see the expected value of {{messageId}} as well). Hence the logic to pass data is correct.

It seems that the way to access the messageId in data() is wrong. So how do I access the props messageId in data?

like image 790
rahulserver Avatar asked Mar 10 '17 15:03


People also ask

How do you access props in data Vue?

To access props in a Vue. js component data function, we can get them from this . to register the messageId prop. Then we get the initial value of the messageId prop with this.

Can you pass functions as props in Vue?

You can pass strings, arrays, numbers, and objects as props. But can you pass a function as a prop? While you can pass a function as a prop, this is almost always a bad idea. Instead, there is probably a feature of Vue that is designed exactly to solve your problem.

How do I use props to pass data to child components in Vue?

The way it works is that you define your data on the parent component and give it a value, then you go to the child component that needs that data and pass the value to a prop attribute so the data becomes a property in the child component. You can use the root component (App.

4 Answers

From the data() method, you can reference the component's properties using this.

So in your case:

data: function() {
  var theData = {
    somevar: this.messageId,
    // other object attributes

  return theData;
like image 162
thanksd Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10


EDIT: According to Ryans posts it is possible to reference the instance with an arrow function like this:

data: (instance) => ({
  somevar: instance.messageId 


Note that this does not work if you are using an arrow function for assigning your data:

data: () => ({
  somevar: this.messageId // undefined

Because this will not point to the component. Instead, use a plain function:

data: function() {
  return { somevar: this.messageId }

or using ES6 object method shorthand as Siva Tumma suggested:

data() {
    return { somevar: this.messageId }
like image 23
mufasa Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10


To assign a data property equal to a props, you can use watcher, as following:

   export default {
      props: ['messageId'],
      data: function(){
         var theData={
            somevar: "",
            // other object attributes
      watch: {
        messageId: function(newVal) { 
           this.somevar = newVal
like image 14
Saurabh Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10


as @Saurabh described, I want to add more details.

If you are rendering a Child component, and want to set the data variables by props, you have to use both this and watch functions:

Step1. use this to access the props variables.

export default {

    data () {
      id: 0
    props: ['propId'],
    methods: {
      init() { 
        this.id = this.propId  // step1. assign propId to id

Step2. watch the props variable

export default {

    data () {
      id: 0
    props: ['propId'],
    methods: {
      init() { 
        this.id = this.propId  // step1. assign propId to id
    // add this to your code , this is a MUST. 
    // otherwise you won't SEE your data variable assigned by property
    watch { 
      propId: function(new_value) { 

Step3. understand the process of rendering Child component

Assuming you have two component: Parent and Child ( Child has a property naming as propId ) , and Child also have a "async" operation such as reading database.

// Parent's View

<Child propId='parent_var_id'></Child>

3.1 Parent got rendered

3.2 Child got rendered , in this case, parent_var_id blank

3.3 10ms later, parent_var_id changed to 100

3.4 Child property propId also changed as binding.

3.5 Child 's watch function called, and the variable id defined in data changed.

like image 3
Siwei Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10
