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Accessing Laravel relations in JavaScript code

Product has a one-to-many relation, 'productbrand', with table productbrand and productbrand has a one-to-one relation, 'brand', with table brand. Table brand has a column, 'brand'. And I am able to access the brand of the product. All other categories, username, etc. are accessed properly.

public function show(Request $request)
        $id = $request->id;
            $show = Product::where(['product_id'=>$id])->first();
            $category = $show->category->category;
            $username = $show->user->username;
            $getbrands = $show->productbrand;
            foreach($getbrands as $getbrand)
                echo json_encode(array('status' => TRUE, 'show' => $show, 'username' => $username, 'category' => $category, 'brand' => $brand)); die;
    echo json_encode(FALSE);die;

Ajax and jQuery:

    type: "POST",
    url: "{{url('/product/show')}}",
    data: {id:id},
    success: function (data) {
        var res = $.parseJSON(data);
        if(res.status == true)
            var result = 'Category: ' + res.category + '<br>' +
                         'Product by: ' + res.username + '<br>' +
                         'Brands: ' + res.brand + '<br>' +
                         'Price: ' + res.show.price + '<br>' +
                         'Price type: ' + res.show.price_type + '<br>' +
                         'Product Views: ' + res.show.views + '<br>';

This way I could get only one brand. I have also tried the following way, but failed.

In the controller:

 $getbrands = $show->productbrand;
 echo json_encode(array('status' => TRUE, 'show' => $show, 'username' => $username, 'category' => $category, 'getbrands' => $getbrands));

In Ajax:

for(var i=0; i<res.getbrands.length; i++)
    var brands=res.getbrands[i].brand.brand; //First 'brand' is relation and second is the brand I am trying to access
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micky Avatar asked Aug 12 '16 11:08


2 Answers

Why declare all these variables:

$category = $show->category->category;
$username = $show->user->username;
$getbrands = $show->productbrand;

If category, user, productbrand and then brands are models relation with product and to fetch category from category, username from user, etc.

Instead maintain the relations with 'with';

public function show(Request $request)
       $id = $request->id;
           $show = Product::where(['product_id'=>$id])->with('category')
                                                      ->with('productbrand.brand')  // product has onetomany relation 'productbrand' with table productbrand and productbrand has onetoone relation 'brand' with table brand
               echo json_encode(array('status' => TRUE,  'show'=>$show)); die;
  echo json_encode(FALSE);die;

And in JavaScript:

        if(res.status == true)
            var result = 'Category: ' + res.show.category.category + '<br>' +
                         'Product by: ' + res.show.user.username + '<br>' +
                         'Price: ' + res.show.price + '<br>' +
                         'Price type: ' + res.show.price_type + '<br>' +
                         'Product Views: ' + res.show.views + '<br>';

product has onetomany relation 'productbrand' with table productbrand and productbrand has onetoone relation 'brand' with table brand. table brand has a column 'brand'. And am not not being able to access the brand of the product. Access brand like this.

var result = 'Brands: ';
for(var i=0; i<res.show.productbrand.length; i++)
    result += res.show.productbrand[i].brand.brand;
like image 73
Sanzeeb Aryal Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Sanzeeb Aryal

Using your first way.

Change $brand=$getbrand->brand->brand; to $brand[] = $getbrand->brand->brand;

And then in js you can go over the brands like this:

for(var i=0; i < res.brand.length; i++)

However getting brands like this will do a lot of database query.

Instead, you can use eager loading.

Like this:

$show = Product::with('productbrand.brand')->where(['product_id'=>$id])->first();
$brand = $show->productbrand->pluck('brand')->collapse();

And access it the same way in js as before.

PS: I am assuming you are using laravel 5.2.

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z3r0ck Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
