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Accessing Batch Functions in another batch file



Alright, so lets say we have a file called "lib.cmd" it contains

@echo off

     echo something

exit /b

Then we have a file called "init.cmd" it contains

@echo off

call lib.cmd

Is there anyway to access :FUNCTION inside of init.cmd? Like how bash uses "source" too run another bash file into the same process.

like image 571
Jared Allard Avatar asked Nov 05 '13 20:11

Jared Allard

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To display the command prompt again, type echo on. To prevent all commands in a batch file (including the echo off command) from displaying on the screen, on the first line of the batch file type: Copy. @echo off.

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2 Answers

Change your lib.cmd to look like this;

@echo off
goto exit

     echo something

exit /b

Then the first argument passed to the batch file (%~1) will identify as the function you want to call, so it will be called with call:%~1, and now you can call it in init.cmd in this way:

call lib.cmd function
like image 124
npocmaka Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09


@echo off

rem Switch the context to the library file
ren init.cmd main.cmd
ren lib.cmd init.cmd
rem From this line on, you may call any function in lib.cmd,
rem but NOT in original init.cmd:

rem Switch the context back to original file
ren init.cmd lib.cmd
ren main.cmd init.cmd

For further details, see How to package all my functions in a batch file as a seperate file?

like image 41
Aacini Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09
