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Accessibility Inspector not working on Xcode 11.x, iOS 13.x on MacOS Catalina & Mojave

I am unable to inspect any elements using the Accessibility Inspector on iOS 13.2 and higher simulators running on Mac OS Mojave or Catalina. Has anyone else also encountered this issue and if so, is there a solution to this? I did not encounter this issue on iOS 12 Simulators, though.

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mark w. Avatar asked Feb 03 '23 16:02

mark w.

2 Answers

Has anyone else also encountered this issue and if so, is there a solution to this?

Yes, everyone else has encountered this issue (I provided some links, in comments, showing people complaining about the problem), and no, there is no known standard solution.

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matt Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 05:02


I was encountering a persistent crash when launching the Accessibility Inspector via Spotlight/Alfred. However, if I launch the tool from within Xcode it launches fine and allows me to interact with the Simulator.

From the menu bar:

  -> Open Developer Tool
     -> Accessibility Inspector
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Bdebeez Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 05:02
