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AccessDeniedException: 403 The project to be billed is associated with a closed billing account

I have opened a new google cloud account and I am about to set up a VM on that. Before that I wanted to create a bucket and I will be copying from one bucket to another bucket.

I am able to create a bucket and while copying I am facing issue as below:

AccessDeniedException: 403 The project to be billed is associated with a closed billing account.

So I have tried the following options:

To reopen a closed account:

Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console. Open the console left side menu and select Billing. Choose Manage billing accounts. From the list near the middle of the page, select Show all accounts. Click the billing account name. Click Reopen billing account.

After clicking on billing account name, I could not find a "Reopen billing account option". I am stuck at this point. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks !

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Kivi Avatar asked Mar 30 '19 15:03


2 Answers

I was using the Shrine GCP for my Rails project and this error occurred because I had not pointed to the correct bucket in the initializer shrine.rb.

For anyone who is not using my stack, then the issue was that the bucket I had declared did not exist in my GCP project. So be sure that either 1) You are pointing to the right bucket or 2) create the bucket in the project Cloud Storage.

I have no idea why Google gives this error message lol

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Marcus Salinas Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10

Marcus Salinas

According to Project's Billing Settings, you must be an owner on the project and a billing administrator on the destination billing account.

Just make sure of the billing account you have linked to that project.

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Albert Sunyer Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10

Albert Sunyer