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Access vs SqlServer for a Simple Database

I am currently developing a very simple database that tracks people and the company certifications they hold. This db will need to store letters of certification as PDF files. I was asked to develop this in MS Access, but I think it would be better to build it in SQLServer and use Windows Forms to build the interface. This app will need to be accessible from a public location like a share drive.

My question is, would it be better to do this in SQLServer like I think, or am I full of it and my boss is right on the money? Or are we both wrong?

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Matthew Jones Avatar asked Feb 28 '23 18:02

Matthew Jones

2 Answers

A good alternative to Access which I use a lot is SQL Server Compact (SqlCe). This is a completely different product than SQL Server Express/Standard/etc. It is an in-process database like Access, it does not run as a separate process or service.

  • It is free
  • Full ACID support
    • Supports multiple connections
    • Full transactional support
    • Referential integrity (including cascading updates and deletes)
    • Locking
  • T-SQL syntax and SQL Server data types (same API as SQL Server)
  • Small footprint (~2 MB)
  • Easy deployment (supports ClickOnce, MSI, XCopy, etc)
  • Database is contained in a single file you can move around
  • Supports ADO.NET, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to Entities.
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Lucas Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 14:03


This is an extremely difficult question, without an understanding of the scale of the application. In my opinion, I wouldn't touch Access with a 33.5 ft pole.

Benefits of Access:

  1. No dedicated machine necessary
  2. No problems with portability

Benefits of SQL Server

  1. Better SQL compliance
  2. Better management control

Are you planning to store PDF files in the DB? If so, why?

I choose SQL Server.

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weisjohn Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 14:03
