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Access two-step-declared member in lambda setup


Don't know how to describe it better. Here's the code. This fails to compiler on gcc 4.9.2 (Debian 8.5), tough I think it compiled in a previous version. The problem seems to occur only if I access the later-declared structure's member as a default argument in the lambda setup. The other shown cases work.

// Test program
class C1
    // Forward-declared
    struct S_Private;
    S_Private* d_;

    void func();

struct C1::S_Private
    int a;

void C1::func()
    // This will work
    int test = d_->a;

    // Accessing the d_->a as a default argument in lambda setup
    // will NOT work:
    // error: invalid use of non-static data member ‘C1::d_’
    auto some_lambda = [&](int arg = d_->a)
        // This will also work
        int test2 = d_->a;

int main(void)
like image 353
Flo Avatar asked Sep 09 '16 19:09


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1 Answers

Unfortunately in auto some_lambda = [&](int arg = d_->a), d_->a is not the d_->a you used earlier in the function but instead d_->a is being called on the this that you captured using [&]. Because it is a member variable you cannot use it as a default argument in a function.


auto some_lambda = [&](int arg = d_->a)
    // This will also work
    int test2 = d_->a;


struct some_unique_name
    some_unique_name(C1*& var) : this_(var) {}
    auto operator()(int arg = this_->d_->a)
        // This will also work
        int test2 = d_->a;
    C1*& this_;

auto some_lambda = some_unique_name{this};

As you can see from the translation it uses the class member, not the object in the class itself.

like image 119
NathanOliver Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 16:09
