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access to navigate methods React-Big-Calendar and Typescript

I am having a hard time using a custom toolbar with react-big-calendar and typescript. I am trying to access the original methods of 'next, prev' 'month, day, week' views. I have extensively read... https://github.com/intljusticemission/react-big-calendar/issues/623 https://github.com/intljusticemission/react-big-calendar/issues/818 http://intljusticemission.github.io/react-big-calendar/examples/index.html#prop-components

The custom UI is rendering fine, without errors, Now I need access to the original methods so I can manipulate the calendar.

The main problem is that my button is firing, but not actually navigating anything.

Some Issues that I think is...

-- I'm not actually using the navigateMethod like I think

--The default date and date inside BigCalendar isn't actually changing because I'm overwriting it with the same day every time I click?

-- I need to implement this example from their docs?

Custom views can be any React component, that implements the following interface:

interface View {
  static title(date: Date, { formats: DateFormat[], culture: string?, ...props }): string
  static navigate(date: Date, action: 'PREV' | 'NEXT' | 'DATE'): Date

Does anyone have an example I could look at???

Here is my full source code.

import React from 'react'
import { MainContent } from '../../../common/templates/partials'
import BigCalendar from 'react-big-calendar'
import ToolBar from 'react-big-calendar'
import Icon from 'app/common/components/Icon'
import moment from 'moment'
const styles = require('./CalendarUI.scss')

BigCalendar.momentLocalizer(moment) // or globalizeLocalizer

const events = [
    start: new Date(),
    end: new Date(),
    title: 'Some title',

class CustomToolbar extends ToolBar {

  render() {
    // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
    console.log(this.props, this)
    /* tslint:disable-next-line */
    const {label, onNavigate} = this.props as any
    return (
      <div className="rbc-toolbar">
          {/* tslint:disable-next-line  */}
          <button onClick={() => this.props.onNavigate ? onNavigate(null as any, 'PREV') : undefined}>
            <Icon icon="B" />
          <label className="label-date">{label}</label>
          {/* tslint:disable-next-line  */}
          <button onClick={() => this.props.onNavigate ? onNavigate(null, 'NEXT') : undefined}>
            <Icon icon="A" />

        <span className="rbc-btn-group">

        <button className="btn btn-back">
          <Icon icon="R" />
        <button className="btn btn-back">
          <Icon icon="meet_now" />

const logger = (data: string) =>
  // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
const CalendarUI = () => (
    <div className={styles.calendarContainer}>
        components={{ toolbar: CustomToolbar }}

export default CalendarUI
like image 825
Gavin Thomas Avatar asked Oct 16 '22 17:10

Gavin Thomas

1 Answers

I figured it out creating a CustomToolbar component. Check out the following code:

import * as React from 'react';
import { css } from 'office-ui-fabric-react';

export interface ICustomTooolbarProps {
    view: string;
    views: string[];
    label: any;
    localizer: any;
    onNavigate: (action: any) => void;
    onView: (view: any) => void;
    onViewChange: (view: any) => void;
    messages: any;

export const navigateContants = {
    NEXT: 'NEXT',
    DATE: 'DATE'

export const views = {
    MONTH: 'month',
    WEEK: 'week',
    WORK_WEEK: 'work_week',
    DAY: 'day',
    AGENDA: 'agenda'

const CustomToolbar: React.SFC<ICustomTooolbarProps> = (props) => {
    function navigate(action) {

    function viewItem(view) {

    function viewNamesGroup(messages) {
        const viewNames = props.views;
        const view = props.view;

        if (viewNames.length > 1) {
            return viewNames.map((name) => (
                    className={css({ 'rbc-active': view === name })}
                    onClick={viewItem.bind(null, name)}>

    return (
        <div className="rbc-toolbar">
            <span className="rbc-btn-group">
                <button type="button" onClick={navigate.bind(null, navigateContants.TODAY)}>
                    Current month
                <button type="button" onClick={navigate.bind(null, navigateContants.PREVIOUS)}>
                    Previous month
                <button type="button" onClick={navigate.bind(null, navigateContants.NEXT)}>
                    Next month

            <span className="rbc-toolbar-label">{props.label}</span>

            <span className="rbc-btn-group">{viewNamesGroup(props.messages)}</span>

export default CustomToolbar;

And here is the code of the BigCalendar using this component

    onNavigate={(focusDate, flipUnit, prevOrNext) => this.updateCalendarData(focusDate, prevOrNext)}
    onSelectEvent={(data) => this.showModalInfo(data)}
    views={['month', 'week', 'agenda']}
    components={{ toolbar: CustomToolbar }} // <- Custom toolbar

Hope it helps ;)

like image 155
Jonatan Perez Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10

Jonatan Perez