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Access thread-local from another thread


How can I read/write a thread local variable from another thread? That is, in Thread A I would like to access the variable in Thread B's thread local storage area. I know the ID of the other thread.

The variable is declared as __thread in GCC. Target platform is Linux, but independence might be nice (GCC specific is okay however).

Lacking a thread-start hook there is no way I can simply track this value at the start of each thread. All threads need to be tracked this way (not just specially started ones).

A higher level wrapper like boost thread_local_storage or using pthread keys is not an option. I require the performance of using a true __thread local variable.

FIRST ANSWER IS WRONG: One cannot use global variables for what I want to do. Each thread must have its own copy of the variable. Furthermore, those variables must be __thread variables for performance reasons (an equally efficient solution would also be okay, but I know of none). I also don't control the thread entry points, thus there is no possibility for those threads to register any kind of structure.

Thread Local is not private: Another misunderstanding about thread-local variables. These are in no way some kind of private variable for the thread. They are globally addressable memory, with the restriction that their lifetime is tied to the thread. Any function, from any thread, if given a pointer to these variables can modify them. The question above is essentially about how to get that pointer address.

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edA-qa mort-ora-y Avatar asked Mar 15 '11 09:03

edA-qa mort-ora-y

People also ask

When should I use ThreadLocal?

ThreadLocal is useful, when you want to have some state that should not be shared amongst different threads, but it should be accessible from each thread during its whole lifetime. As an example, imagine a web application, where each request is served by a different thread.

What is the use of ThreadLocal in Java?

Java ThreadLocal is used to create thread local variables. We know that all threads of an Object share it's variables, so the variable is not thread safe. We can use synchronization for thread safety but if we want to avoid synchronization, we can use ThreadLocal variables.

What is ThreadLocal withInitial?

withInitial. public static <S> ThreadLocal<S> withInitial(Supplier<? extends S> supplier) Creates a thread local variable. The initial value of the variable is determined by invoking the get method on the Supplier .

Why is ThreadLocal static?

The reason is that the variables are accessed via a pointer associated with the thread. They act like global variables with thread scope, hence static is the closest fit. This is the way that you get thread local state in things like pthreads so this might just be an accident of history and implementation.

1 Answers

If you want thread local variables that are not thread local, why don't you use global variables instead?

Important clarification!

I am not suggesting that you use a single global to replace a thread-local variable. I 'm suggesting of using a single global array or other suitable collection of values to replace one thread-local variable.

You will have to provide synchronization of course, but since you want to expose a value modified in thread A to thread B there's no getting around that.


The GCC documentation on __thread says:

When the address-of operator is applied to a thread-local variable, it is evaluated at run-time and returns the address of the current thread's instance of that variable. An address so obtained may be used by any thread. When a thread terminates, any pointers to thread-local variables in that thread become invalid.

Therefore, if you insist on going this way I imagine it's possible to get the address of a thread local variable from the thread it belongs to, just after the thread is spawned. You could then store a pointer to that memory location to a map (thread id => pointer), and let other threads access the variable this way. This assumes that you own the code for the spawned thread.

If you are really adventurous, you could try digging up information on ___tls_get_addr (start from this PDF which is linked to by the aforementioned GCC docs). But this approach is so highly compiler and platform specific and so lacking in documentation that it should be causing alarms to go off in anyone's head.

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Jon Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
