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access the data from the resolve function without relading the controller

How do we access the data from the resolve function without relading the controller?

We are currently working on a project which uses angular-ui-router. We have two seperated views: on the left a list of parent elements, on the right that elements child data.

If selecting a parent on the left, we resolve it's child data to the child-view on the right.

With the goal not to reaload the childs controller (and view), when selecting a different parent element, we set notify:false.

We managed to 're-resolve' the child controllers data while not reloading the controller and view, but the data (scope) won't refresh.

We did a small plunker to demonstrate our problem here

First click on a number to instantiate the controllers childCtrl. Every following click should change the child scopes data - which does not work. You might notice the alert output already has the refreshed data we want to display.

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nilsK Avatar asked Jul 14 '16 15:07


1 Answers

Based on sielakos answer using an special service i came up with this solution. First, i need a additional service which keeps a reference of the data from the resovle.


.service('dataLink', function () {
  var storage = null;

  function setData(data) {
      storage = data;

  function getData() {
      return storage;

  return {
      setData: setData,
      getData: getData

Well, i have to use the service in my resolve function like so

Resolve function

resolve: {
    detailResolver: function($http, $stateParams, dataLink) {
        return $http.get('file' + $stateParams.id + '.json')
            .then(function(response) {
                alert('response ' + response.data.id);
                return response.data;

Notice the line dataLink.setData(response.data);. It keeps the data from the resolve in the service so I can access it from within the controller.


I modified the controller a little. I wrapped all the initialisation suff in an function i can execute when the data changes. The second thing is to watch the return value of the dataLink.getData();

As of https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/$rootScope.Scope#$watch $scope.$watch provides functionality to watch return values of functions.

Here is some Q&D example:

.controller('childCtrl', function($scope, $log, detailResolver, $interval, dataLink) {
    * some stuff happens here

    $interval(function() {
    }, 1000);

    $scope.$watch(dataLink.getData, function(newData) {
        detailResolver = newData;

    function initialise() {
        $log.info('childCtrl detailResolver.id == ' + detailResolver);
        $scope.id = detailResolver;

The line $scope.$watch(dataLink.getData, function(newData) { ... }); does the trick. Every time the data in the dataLink service changes the callback kicks in and replaces the old data with the new one. Ive created a plunker so you can give it a try https://plnkr.co/edit/xyZKQgENrwd4uEwS9QIM

You don't have to be afraid of memory leaks using this solution cause angular is removing watchers automatically. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/25114028/6460149 for more information.

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DaVarga Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 11:09
