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Access SQL Date Format

How can I retrieve a record based on a Date property? I'm trying:

WHERE Meetings.[MDate] = '16/12/2011'

which is the format I use but I get :

"Data type mismatch in criteria expression"

Problem solved: It should have been:

WHERE Meetings.[MDate] = 16/12/2011

No quotation marks.

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Asdwq Qwksf Avatar asked Dec 15 '11 21:12

Asdwq Qwksf

People also ask

How do I change date format to MM DD YYYY in Access query?

SELECT Format(Now(), "dd mmmm yyyy"); You can use the Format() function with date values to specify the date format that you want to use for the date. This example query returns the current date in the long date format (01 December 2003).

How do I change the format of a date in SQL query?

You can specify the format of the dates in your statements using CONVERT and FORMAT. For example: select convert(varchar(max), DateColumn, 13), format(DateColumn, 'dd-MMM-yyyy')

What is the format of the date accessed?

The access date is listed in Day Month Year format at the end of the citation. For example: Accessed 10 Sept. 2016.

How do you write a date query in Access?

To view items with a date on or before Feb 2, 2012, use the <= operator instead of the < operator. Returns items with a date after Feb 2, 2012. To view items with a date on or after Feb 2, 2012, use the >= operator instead of the > operator. Returns items with a date between Feb 2, 2012 and Feb 4, 2012.

2 Answers

For where clauses use

columnName = #mm/dd/yyyy#
like image 140
Ricardo Souza Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09

Ricardo Souza

You'll want to use the SQL date format: '#2011-12-16#'

like image 37
competent_tech Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 11:09
