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Access Office356 shared mailbox with PHP




I'm working on a PHP script to read and parse error logs sent to a shared mailbox.

I'm using imap_open() to connect.

If I connect with the following credentials to my own mailbox, it works fine

server: {outlook.office365.com:993/imap/ssl}
username: [email protected]
password: mypas$word

However, if I want to connect to the sared mailbox with the follwowing credentials, I get an error

server: {outlook.office365.com:993/imap/ssl}
username: [email protected]\[email protected]
password: mypas$word

The error is the following: User is authenticated but not connected. (errflg=2)

According to my research that would mean I'm using the wrong password, but since it works when connecting to my own inbox, it can't be wrong

I am a 100% certain my account can access the shared mailbox, I can access it via my account through the Office 365 webinterface

One more detail: my password includes a $ sign, but that shouldn't matter. I use single quotes on the password and escaping the $ sign doesn't help, it results in a failed login even for my personal mailbox.

like image 893
Surya Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 16:12


2 Answers

Another solution that worked for us is to add the username data to the mailbox parameter using the appropriate flags.

For example, with the Office 365 configuration of

USER EMAIL: [email protected]
PASSWORD: password
SHARED MAILBOX: [email protected]

then the imap_open call would be

imap_open("{outlook.office365.com:993/imap/ssl/[email protected]/[email protected]}", "[email protected]", "password");

Note the inclusion of the main user email using the /authuser flag and the shared mailbox using the /user flag.

That worked for us when the mailbox alias approach in the previous answer was not successful.

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Ben Sommerville Avatar answered Dec 17 '22 05:12

Ben Sommerville

Try using the account alias

%USERUPN%/%SHAREDALIAS% for example:-

[email protected]/sharedbox where "sharedbox" is the alias of the shared mailbox instead of the full email address

I've seen different reports of some people using forward slash ( / ) and some using a backslash ( \ )


Are you using the mailbox alias? Do not use [email protected]

Exchange Configuration:

  USER EMAIL: [email protected]
  PASSWORD: password

 SHARED MAILBOX: [email protected]      (could also be @domain.com, of course)
  SHARED MAILBOX ALIAS: shared-mailbox

Note: Please make sure to create the UNIQUE alias always with the mailbox, because it creates the user [alias]@maindomain.com. In this case [email protected]

Settings for IMAP Configuration:

  EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] (shared mailbox)
  IMAP SERVER: outlook.office365.com
  SMTP SERVER: smtp.office365.com
  USERNAME: [email protected]\shared-mailbox  (user\shared mailbox alias)
  PASSWORD: password (user's password)
like image 28
greg_diesel Avatar answered Dec 17 '22 06:12
