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Access Denied issue with NVM in Windows 10

I'm getting 'access is denied' when I'm using nvm -v command in windows 10. I have got the similar issue here NVM is Access Denied

But he himself gave a solution which is not working for me.

Is there any solution for this problem?

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Dhruv Singh Avatar asked May 28 '18 09:05

Dhruv Singh

People also ask

How do I fix command prompt access denied Windows 10?

Type CMD in Start Search, right click result to Run as Admin. If that doesn't help make sure you're running an Admin account in Settings > Accounts > Your Info. Also check in Step 3 here you're account is set to Admin: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-change-user-... I hope this helps.

How do I run NVM on Windows 10?

Download the nvm-setup.Once downloaded, open the zip file, then open the nvm-setup.exe file. The Setup-NVM-for-Windows installation wizard will walk you through the setup steps, including choosing the directory where both nvm-windows and Node. js will be installed. Install the latest stable LTS release of Node.

Why do I get access denied on Windows 10?

Cause An "Access Denied" error message can occur for one or more of the following reasons: The folder ownership has changed. You do not have the appropriate permissions. The file is encrypted.

2 Answers

I encountered the same issue and solved it as follows:

  1. Uninstall "NVM for Windows 1.1.7"
  2. Run the installer nvm-setup.exe as Administrator
  3. Open an elevated Command Prompt (with Administrator privileges) and run

    • nvm install 8.12.0
    • nvm use 8.12.0

Now running node -v in a non-elevated Command Prompt works without issue. Hope this helps!

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mxro Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09


Not like the other comments, you don't have to run the installer nvm-setup.exe as Administrator. Just install it like a normal software.

Make sure that when you run nvm use xxx, you run it in Command Prompt with Administrator privilege.

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PercyPham Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09
