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Access current request in Express/Jade view

I have a layout Jade view that has a menu via unordered list, and I want to set the <li> to be <li class="active">...</li> when the current page is rendered in the browser.

I assume I will have to access the current request to determine when to set the attribute on the <li>

I can't find any examples of how to do this so hoping someone can help


like image 392
Jon Avatar asked Oct 04 '12 19:10


2 Answers

Try this before your call res.render() in your route:

res.locals.path = req.path;


res.render('/page', { path: req.path });

Then you would have to do a bunch of if/else statements in your view (as the above solution suggests).

- if(currentUrl === '/')
        a(href='/') Current Driver Standings
- else
        a(href='/') Current Driver Standings

I however, prefer to do this on client side instead, to keep my template files free from as much logic as possible:

In page template file (this is ejs, not sure how to echo in jade):

<body data-path="<%= path %>">

Then with jQuery you can grab the path from body and attach an active class:

    var path = $('body').attr('data-path');
    $('nav li a[href='+path+']').parents('li').addClass('active');

Update: You can also just use var path = window.location.pathname instead of saving it to an attribute on body

//no need to save path to <body> tag first:

    var path = window.location.pathname;
    $('nav li a[href='+path+']').parents('li').addClass('active');
like image 173
chovy Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11


Here's a much neater way of doing it, server-side:

In your routes.js (or wherever) define an array of objects representing your nav like such:

var navLinks = [
  { label: 'Home', key: 'home', path: '' },
  { label: 'About', key: 'about', path: '/about' },
  { label: 'Contact', key: 'contact', path: '/contact' }

Pass the navLinks variable to your view, as well as the key of the item you'd like hilighted:

res.render('home', { title: 'Welcome!', section: 'home', navLinks: navLinks });

You can also add the navLinks variable to app.locals and save yourself always having to provide it explicitly to views.

Then in your jade template loop through the array of links and set the active class on the one whose key matches the provided section:

ul(class='nav nav-list')
  - navLinks.forEach(function(link){
    - var isActive = (link.key == section ? 'active' : '')
      a(href=link.path)= link.label
  - })
like image 22
Jed Watson Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11

Jed Watson