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Accepting an optional parameter only as named, not positional

I'm writing a PowerShell script that's a wrapper to an .exe. I want to have some optional script params, and pass the rest directly to the exe. Here's a test script:

param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string] $a = "DefaultA"
   ,[parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)][string[]]$ExeParams   # must be string[] - otherwise .exe invocation will quote

Write-Output ("a=" + ($a) + "  ExeParams:") $ExeParams

If I run with the a named param, everything is great:

C:\ > powershell /command \temp\a.ps1 -a A This-should-go-to-exeparams This-also
a=A  ExeParams:

However, if I try to omit my param, the first unnamed param is assigned to it:

C:\ > powershell /command \temp\a.ps1 This-should-go-to-exeparams This-also
a=This-should-go-to-exeparams  ExeParams:

I would expect:

a=DefaultA ExeParams:

I tried adding Position=0 to the param, but that produces the same result.

Is there a way to achieve this?
Maybe a different parameter scheme?

like image 620
Jonathan Avatar asked Jun 11 '13 10:06


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you can use optional variable by ? or if you have multiple optional variable by ... , example: function details(name: string, country="CA", address?: string, ...hobbies: string) { // ... } In the above: name is required.

What is the difference between named and positional parameters in PowerShell?

Positional and Named ParametersA named parameter requires that you type the parameter name and argument when calling the cmdlet. A positional parameter requires only that you type the arguments in relative order. The system then maps the first unnamed argument to the first positional parameter.

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A parameter wrapped by { } is a named optional parameter. Also, it is necessary for you to use the name of the parameter if you want to pass your argument.

1 Answers

By default, all function parameters are positional. Windows PowerShell assigns position numbers to parameters in the order in which the parameters are declared in the function. To disable this feature, set the value of the PositionalBinding argument of the CmdletBinding attribute to $False.

have a look at How to disable positional parameter binding in PowerShell

function Test-PositionalBinding

    Write-Host param1 is: $param1
    Write-Host param2 is: $param2
like image 172
JPBlanc Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11
