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Abstract over repeated flatMap

I am trying to generalize repeated, nested flatMap but not sure if one exists.

The following code will produce all combinations of n choose 3, n choose 3:

def choose3flatMap(n: Int, r: Int = 3) =
  (0 to n - r)
    .flatMap(i => (i + 1 to n - (r - 1))
      .flatMap(j => (j + 1 to n - (r - 2))
        .map(k => Seq(i, j, k))))

Repeating the flatMap operation, we can get all combinations of n choose 5, n choose 5 :

def choose5flatMap(n: Int, r: Int = 5) =
  (0 to n - r)
    .flatMap(i => (i + 1 to n - (r - 1))
      .flatMap(j => (j + 1 to n - (r - 2))
        .flatMap(k => (k + 1 to n - (r - 3))
          .flatMap(l => (l + 1 to n - (r - 4))
            .map(m => Seq(i, j, k, l, m)))))

Clearly there is a pattern here. I would like to utilize this similarity to get a general solution for n choose r, n choose r. Is there a simple way to accomplish this. Perhaps a higher order function of some sort?

What I have tried:

Scala lets me rewrite the map/flatMap with a for expression. This reads cleaner, but the number of choices in still hard-coded.

def choose3Loop(n: Int, r: Int = 3) =
  for {
    i <- 0 to n - r
    j <- i + 1 to n - (r - 1)
    k <- j + 1 to n - (r - 2)
  } yield Seq(i, j, k)

I can write a recursive solution directly using flatMap or utilizing the sugar of a for expression:

def combinationsRecursive(n: Int, r: Int, i: Int = 0): Seq[Seq[Int]] =
  if (r == 1) (i until n).map(Seq(_))
  else {
    (i to n - r).flatMap(
      i => combinationsRecursive(n, r - 1, i + 1).map(j => i +: j))

def combinationsRecursiveLoop(n: Int, r: Int, i: Int = 0): Seq[Seq[Int]] =
  if (r == 1) (i until n).map(Seq(_))
    for {
      i <- i to n - r
      j <- combinationsRecursiveLoop(n, r - 1, i + 1)
    } yield i +: j

While these are solutions to the general problem, I wonder if there is a higher-level abstraction I am missing here that may be applicable to other problems as well. I recognize that for this particular application, I could do (0 to n).combinations(r) to use a library-provided implementation of computing combinations.

While the above code is Scala, in this case I am interested the functional programming aspect of it and not the language capabilities. If there is a solution but one that is not supported by Scala I am interested in that.

Edit: He is a sample caller and the resulting output by request:

scala> combinationsRecursiveLoop(5, 3)

res0: Seq[Seq[Int]] = Vector(List(0, 1, 2), List(0, 1, 3), List(0, 1, 4), List(0, 2, 3), List(0, 2, 4), List(0, 3, 4), List(1, 2, 3), List(1, 2, 4), List(1, 3, 4), List(2, 3, 4))

scala> combinationsRecursiveLoop(5, 3).map("("+_.mkString(", ")+")").mkString(" ")

res1: String = (0, 1, 2) (0, 1, 3) (0, 1, 4) (0, 2, 3) (0, 2, 4) (0, 3, 4) (1, 2, 3) (1, 2, 4) (1, 3, 4) (2, 3, 4)

It just provides all r-element subsets of the set of integers starting at zero containing n elements. More information on combinations can be found on Wikipedia.

like image 534
vossad01 Avatar asked Dec 12 '16 15:12


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1 Answers

Here is one way to look at this, that I have come up with.

You can extract one stage in your chain as a function f: List[Int] => List[List[Int]], that takes a List with a beginning of a combination, and prepends all possible next elements to it.

For example in choose(5, 3), f(List(2, 0)) would result in List(List(3, 2, 0), List(4, 2, 0)).

Here is a possible implementation of such a function with some processing for the initial case added:

val f: List[Int] => List[List[Int]] = l =>
  (l.headOption.map(_ + 1).getOrElse(0) to n - (r - l.size))
    .map(_ :: l).toList

Now, such a function is a Kleisli arrow Kleisli[List, List[Int], List[Int]], and it's endomorphic (has the same argument and return types).

There is a monoid instance for endomorphic kleisli arrows, where the monoid "addition" means the flatMap operation (or in pseudocode, f1 |+| f2 == a => f1(a).flatMap(f2)). So to replace your chain of flatMaps you need to "add" r instances of this f function, or in other words to multiply the f function by r.

This idea translates directly into Scalaz code:

import scalaz._, Scalaz._

def choose(n: Int, r: Int) = {
  val f: List[Int] => List[List[Int]] = l =>
    (l.headOption.map(_ + 1).getOrElse(0) to n - (r - l.size))
      .map(_ :: l).toList

And here is an example running it:

scala> choose(4, 3)
res1: List[List[Int]] = List(List(2, 1, 0), List(3, 1, 0), List(3, 2, 0), List(3, 2, 1))

The combinations are reversed, but it should be possible to make a version, that produces combinations with elements in the increasing order (or just run choose(n, r).map(_.reverse)).

Another improvement would be to make a lazy version, that returns Stream[List[Int]] (or even better a scalaz.EphemeralStream[List[Int]]: you don't want to have all the combinations cached in memory), but this is left as an exercise to the reader.

like image 141
Kolmar Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 01:10
