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About translate="label" attribute in Magento, how does it work?



I see in a config.xml file. I know that <template> block and this is the block hold the email template, and translate attribute which is present will be translate in the locale folder. But I don't know what is it exactly, and how does it work?

translate="label", how does it work?

        <customer_active_account_email_template translate="label" module="customer">
            <label>Active Customer</label>
like image 670
vietean Avatar asked Sep 26 '11 03:09


1 Answers

When you see translate="label" module="customer", this tells Magento that it should pass the value in the <label> tag through the customer module's data helper's translate method before displaying it to the screen. In over simplified terms

$label_value = (string) $node->label;
echo Mage::helper('customer')->__($label_value);

If the module attribute is not present, the core module is used. You may specify multiple tags to be translated with a space delimited string.

translate="label type"  

As far as I know, this is supported in the System Configuration section, and the layout xml <action> nodes (for translating paramaters) only.

like image 131
Alan Storm Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 05:11

Alan Storm