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A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle / has not been defined

I am getting following exception when trying to launch a store using Websphere commerce

A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle / has not been defined
SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle localhost:80 has not been defined.

I have tried this,


and this


but no use still getting error and unable to launch store(tried to launch store via Accelerator too).

What should I do to make it work properly?

like image 661
Just_another_developer Avatar asked Oct 14 '13 10:10


1 Answers

Looks like you are accessing your store either via http server or you have changed default web container port. Go to admin console Environment > Virtual hosts > defautl_host (or host that is mapped to your module if different) > Host aliases. Add new alias *:80. Restart the server.

like image 102
Gas Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09
