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A System error must be selected to continue error

I have installed the newer Android Studio on my new Asus computer, but when I try to run the emulator via the android virtual device manager and create a virtual device, I get an error every time like this:

Screen shot of AVD Manager Virtual Device Configuration screen

like image 673
Jhon phil Avatar asked Dec 10 '22 09:12

Jhon phil

1 Answers

I had a similar problem.

  1. Make sure you are connected to the internet.

  2. When you select a System Image, press enter (click or double-click didn't work for me). Wait for Android Studio to download missing components.

  3. Now, if you select the System Image the next button would be active. Click on next to continue creating your virtual device

Please note that the download could take a very long time. You may wish to try using HTTP by unchecking use secure connection like this

File->Settings->Appearance and Behavior->System Settings->Updates->then click on Use Secure Connection

like image 132
disajoh Avatar answered Jan 24 '23 05:01
