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A simple lambda calculus parser with FParsec





I'm new to F# and have a pretty annoying problem. I want to parse the following grammar:

Application := Expression Expression
Expression  := "(" "lambda" Name "." Application ")"
             | Name
Name        := [a-z]+

That would match things like (lambda x. (lambda y. x y)) z and (lambda x. x) y.

My problem is that two rules depend on each other:

let popen = pchar '('
let pclose = pchar ')'
let pname = many1 letter |>> Seq.toArray |>> System.String |>> NameNode
let plambda = pstring "lambda"
let pdot = pchar '.'
let phead = plambda >>. pname .>> pdot
let pexpression = 
        popen >>. pname .>>. papplication .>> pclose |>> ExpressionNode
    <|> pname
let papplication = pexpression .>>. pexpression

pexpression depends on papplication and vicebersa. How can I get rid of that dependency?

like image 325
gosukiwi Avatar asked Jun 04 '17 01:06


Video Answer

1 Answers

Recursive parsers can be implemented via createParserForwardedToRef. This function returns a pair of parser "handle", so to speak, and a mutable cell that holds the parser implementation. The "handle", once called upon to actually parse something, will forward the call to the implementation.

After acquiring this pair, you can implement the other part of the recursion using the "handle", and then create the forwarded parser's implementation and assign it to the mutable cell.

let pexpression, pexpressionImpl = createParserForwardedToRef()
let papplication = pexpression .>>. pexpression
pexpressionImpl := 
       popen >>. pname .>>. papplication .>> pclose |>> ExpressionNode
   <|> pname
like image 97
Fyodor Soikin Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 16:10

Fyodor Soikin