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A simple algorithm for polygon intersection

I'm looking for a very simple algorithm for computing the polygon intersection/clipping. That is, given polygons P, Q, I wish to find polygon T which is contained in P and in Q, and I wish T to be maximal among all possible polygons.

I don't mind the run time (I have a few very small polygons), I can also afford getting an approximation of the polygons' intersection (that is, a polygon with less points, but which is still contained in the polygons' intersection).

But it is really important for me that the algorithm will be simple (cheaper testing) and preferably short (less code).

edit: please note, I wish to obtain a polygon which represent the intersection. I don't need only a boolean answer to the question of whether the two polygons intersect.

like image 975
Elazar Leibovich Avatar asked Feb 16 '10 10:02

Elazar Leibovich

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To test if two polygons P and Q overlap, first I can test each edge in P to see if it intersects with any of the edges in Q. If an intersection is found, I declare that P and Q intersect. If none intersect, I then have to test for the case that P is completely contained by Q, and vice versa.

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One simple way of finding whether the point is inside or outside a simple polygon is to test how many times a ray, starting from the point and going in any fixed direction, intersects the edges of the polygon. If the point is on the outside of the polygon the ray will intersect its edge an even number of times.

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If no intersections are discovered, the polygon is simple. If it is not, the polygon can be viewed as a chain of two or more simple polygons, with neighboring polygons in the chain having only a finite number of corner points in common (Figure 7.20b). Each simple polygon in the chain can then be treated separately.

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Complex polygon is a polygon whose sides cross over each other one or more times.

1 Answers

I understand the original poster was looking for a simple solution, but unfortunately there really is no simple solution.

Nevertheless, I've recently created an open-source freeware clipping library (written in Delphi, C++ and C#) which clips all kinds of polygons (including self-intersecting ones). This library is pretty simple to use: http://sourceforge.net/projects/polyclipping/ .

like image 198
Angus Johnson Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 03:09

Angus Johnson