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A program uses different regions of memory for static objects, automatic objects, and dynamically allocated objects



I am following the book "C Primer Plus" and encounter a problem to understand the regions of memory. In the book, it states:

Typically, a program uses different regions of memory for static objects, automatic objects, and dynamically allocated objects. Listing 12.15 illustrates this point.

// where.c -- where's the memory?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int static_store = 30;
const char * pcg = "String Literal";
int main(void)
    int auto_store = 40;
    char auto_string[] = "Auto char Array";
    int *pi;
    char *pcl;

    pi = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
    *pi = 35;
    pcl = (char *) malloc(strlen("Dynamic String") + 1);
    strcpy(pcl, "Dynamic String");

    printf("static_store: %d at %p\n", static_store, &static_store);
    printf("  auto_store: %d at %p\n", auto_store, &auto_store);
    printf("         *pi: %d at %p\n", *pi, pi);
    printf("  %s at %p\n", pcg, pcg);
    printf(" %s at %p\n", auto_string, auto_string);
    printf("  %s at %p\n", pcl, pcl);
    printf("   %s at %p\n", "Quoted String", "Quoted String");

    return 0;

Run the code and get:

static_store: 30 at 0x10a621040
  auto_store: 40 at 0x7ffee55df768
         *pi: 35 at 0x7fbf1d402ac0
  String Literal at 0x10a620f00
 Auto char Array at 0x7ffee55df770
  Dynamic String at 0x7fbf1d402ad0
   Quoted String at 0x10a620f9b

the book's conclusion:

As you can see, static data, including string literals occupies one region, automatic data a second region, and dynamically allocated data a third region (often called a memory heap or free store).

I could figure out they are of different address. How could I assure that they are of different regions?

like image 803
AbstProcDo Avatar asked Oct 17 '18 13:10


People also ask

Where memory is allocated for variables in a program?

The Heap. The Heap is that portion of computer memory, allocated to a running application, where memory can be allocated for variables, class instances, etc. From a program's heap the OS allocates memory for dynamic use.

What is the difference between automatic and dynamic allocation?

Automatic storage uses memory very efficiently, but it's useless for objects with lifetimes that persist beyond function calls. By comparison, dynamic storage allocation is much slower than either static or automatic allocation.

What is the memory allocation of static and global variable?

3.2. 1 Memory Allocation in C ProgramsStatic allocation is what happens when you declare a static or global variable. Each static or global variable defines one block of space, of a fixed size. The space is allocated once, when your program is started (part of the exec operation), and is never freed.

Can we allocate memory for the objects dynamically in CPP?

Yes, we can dynamically allocate objects also. Whenever a new object is created, constructor, a member function of a class is called.

3 Answers

Different regions have very different addresses. If they were in the same region, they would have similar addresses. Better example, where we allocate 2 objects in each region:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main (void)
  int stack1;
  int stack2;
  static int bss1;
  static int bss2;
  static int data1=1;
  static int data2=1;
  int* heap1 = malloc(1);
  int* heap2 = malloc(1);  
  char* rodata1 = "hello";
  char* rodata2 = "world";

  printf(".stack\t%p %p\n",  &stack1,  &stack2);
  printf(".bss\t%p %p\n",    &bss1,    &bss2);
  printf(".data\t%p %p\n",   &data1,   &data2);
  printf(".heap\t%p %p\n",   heap1,    heap2);
  printf(".rodata\t%p %p\n", rodata1,  rodata2);


Output (for example):

.stack  000000000022FE2C 000000000022FE28
.bss    0000000000407030 0000000000407034
.data   0000000000403010 0000000000403014
.heap   0000000000477C50 0000000000477C70
.rodata 0000000000404000 0000000000404006

As you can see the two variables in the same segment have nearly identical addresses, the only difference being the size of the objects (and possibly some room for alignment). While they have very different addresses compared to variables in the other segments.

like image 191
Lundin Avatar answered Nov 26 '22 11:11


The C standard states that an object can have one of 4 different storage durations. These are:

  • static
  • automatic
  • allocated
  • thread

The code above addresses the first 3 of these.

A static object is is declared either at file scope or at local scope with the static modifier. String literals are also static objects.

An automatic object, typically referred to as a local variable, it declared within a function or an enclosing scope.

An allocated object is one whose memory is returned by an allocation function such as malloc.

In practice, compilers will typically place each of these object types in a different area of memory. Static objects are typically placed in the data section of an executable, automatic (read: local) objects are typically stored on the stack, and allocated objects are typically stored on the heap.

String literals in particular are static objects, and are typically placed in a special part of the data section marked read-only.

These regions are typically in different distinct regions of memory, however they are not required to be. So while in practice the addresses of objects in each of these regions will be noticeably different, they aren't required to be.

So you don't really need to "assure" that different types of variables are in different regions. The compiler takes care of that for you depending on how you define them.

like image 28
dbush Avatar answered Nov 26 '22 13:11


What might help a bit to get the actual sections allocated for the program is the nm command, there you could e.g. see the static_store offset.

static_store: 30 at 0x600b00 ==> 0000000000600b00 D static_store

See it live on coliru: http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/1b45e01f508ec7b7

Note the attached nm command: gcc main.cpp && ./a.out && nm a.out

However, you have to keep in mind that you're typically on a system with MMU thus having virtual memory addresses mapped to real memory.

Find more infos e.g. on https://www.embeddedrelated.com/showarticle/900.php

like image 42
yussuf Avatar answered Nov 26 '22 12:11
