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A launch storyboard or xib must be provided unless the app requires full screen

I don't use a storyboard/xib for launch screen and get these errors in Xcode7+.

- All interface orientations must be supported unless the app requires full screen.  - A launch storyboard or xib must be provided unless the app requires full screen. 
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Sahil Kapoor Avatar asked Jun 15 '15 12:06

Sahil Kapoor

People also ask

What is launch storyboard?

The LaunchScreen. storyboard is an interface builder storyboard file that uses auto-layout and some basic constraints on the controls to adjust the display for all the supported devices. Perform this task in the copy of the DeploymentKitApp in Xcode on your computer.

How do I make a launch screen in SwiftUI?

In SwiftUI projects, the launch screen is not generated by default. You need to add it manually in the Info. plist file. After opening the file, you should see an entry named Launch Screen.

1 Answers

Starting from iOS9 and Xcode 7 you are required to provide a LaunchScreen.storyboard for your launch screen in order to support the new multitasking feature on iPad.

To opt out of being eligible to participate in Slide Over and Split View, add the UIRequiresFullScreen key to your Xcode project’s Info.plist file and apply the Boolean value YES.

Find out more on Apple's reference (check last paragraph) or watch session 205 Getting Started with Multitasking on iPad in iOS 9 @ 10:35.

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Tomas Camin Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09

Tomas Camin