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A Good Start To Laravel Beginner [closed]



Now I'm using php in the ordinary way, After Some Searching I Knew that there is something called Laravel framework, I don't Know Any Thing About it ??? why we use laravel ?? is it for UI Enhancement "as Sliders,Drop-Down Boxs" or it makes php more easier in treating MySql or Mailing

I Need Also To Know How To Begin Installing it on Localhost & Learning it "Some Easy Tutorial"

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Naggar Avatar asked Apr 27 '14 03:04


People also ask

Is Laravel worth learning 2022?

As a result, it alleviates the financial strain on enterprises and people seeking high-performance applications. This is one of the most popular advantages of the Laravel framework, which will undoubtedly keep it in trend even in 2022.

Is Laravel good for beginners?

Laravel is great for beginners! The blade templates and ORM take away much of the annoying parts of PHP and help to remove the idea of spaghetti code from the language. There are a ton of great helper functions as well. PHP often requires , is_null, empty, array_key_exists, and isset checks often.

How many days it will take to learn Laravel?

In how many times can I learn Laravel at expert level? 8 months to 1 year and that's if your are building things and reading the core framework code too.

2 Answers

Laravel is a Web Development Framework for PHP and definition of framework from wikipedia:

A web application framework (WAF) is a software framework that is designed to support the development of dynamic websites, web applications, web services and web resources. The framework aims to alleviate the overhead associated with common activities performed in web development. For example, many frameworks provide libraries for database access, templating frameworks and session management, and they often promote code reuse. For a comparison of concrete web application frameworks, see Comparison of web application frameworks.

In simple words, a framework lets you build applications easily with less effort because you don't have to write every code from scratch instead the framework provides tools/classes that you may use to write your project specific code easily.Laravel is one of the bests but not the only one, there are others. You may also check this answer as other answer stated.

The best way to learn the Laravel framework is the manual on the website, so read the manual and also you may find articles on the web and also reading a good book will help you more.

Some Laravel Resources:

  • A list of places for resources
  • Laravel-learning-resources
  • Reddit
  • laracasts (Screen Casts)
  • Learninglaravel with Free eBook
  • culttt
  • Laravel-recipes
  • Laravel-tricks
  • Heera.IT - (Laravel Tag)

Also check the Laravel Info on StackOverflow.

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The Alpha Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 17:10

The Alpha

For the first part of the question I think you could find useful this link

What's a PHP framework and what's a good one?

Why to use Laravel? Laravel let you write a PHP app very fast, there are some generators for resources, controllers and models, also you can use blade the template engine. Did you hear about ruby on rails (ROR), laravel is somewhat similar to ROR and also are cheaper to implement becouse every hosting has PHP support. So if you can't afford a VPS for rails development then Laravel is a good choice.

For UI Enhancement you should look for a CSS framework like bootstrap or foundation the integration of these CSS frameworks very straightforward.

The Laravel installation it's very easy look at the quickstart from documentation http://laravel.com/docs/quick and this free laracast video https://laracasts.com/lessons/laravel-installation-for-newbs

Also as @WereWolf mention there are a lot of resources to learn, symfony or Zend Framework does not have as many learning resources as Laravel.

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friveroll Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 18:10
