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A generic observer pattern in Java

The java.util.Observer and java.util.Observable are ugly. They require the sorts of casts that make type-safety fans uncomfortable, and you can't define a class to be an Observer of multiple things without ugly casts. In fact, in "How do I know the generic object that the Observer class sends in Java?", an answerer says that only one type of data should be used in each observer / observable.

I'm trying to make a generic version of the observer pattern in Java to get round both these problems. It's not unlike the one in the previously mentioned post, but that question was not obviously resolved (the last comment is an unanswered question from the OP).

like image 878
hcarver Avatar asked Nov 13 '12 14:11


People also ask

What is the observer pattern in Java?

Observer is a behavioral design pattern that allows some objects to notify other objects about changes in their state. The Observer pattern provides a way to subscribe and unsubscribe to and from these events for any object that implements a subscriber interface.

What is observer pattern give example?

Observer is a behavioral design pattern. It specifies communication between objects: observable and observers. An observable is an object which notifies observers about the changes in its state. For example, a news agency can notify channels when it receives news.

What is the Observer design pattern?

The observer pattern is a software design pattern in which an object, named the subject, maintains a list of its dependents, called observers, and notifies them automatically of any state changes, usually by calling one of their methods.

What is an observable in Java?

Observable is a class in the Java programming language that allows you to construct subclasses that other sections of the program can observe. Observing classes are informed when an object of this subclass changes.

3 Answers


package util;

public interface Observer<ObservedType> {
    public void update(Observable<ObservedType> object, ObservedType data);


package util;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

public class Observable<ObservedType> {

    private List<Observer<ObservedType>> _observers = 
      new LinkedList<Observer<ObservedType>>();

    public void addObserver(Observer<ObservedType> obs) {
        if (obs == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tried
                      to add a null observer");
        if (_observers.contains(obs)) {

    public void notifyObservers(ObservedType data) {
        for (Observer<ObservedType> obs : _observers) {
            obs.update(this, data);

Hopefully this will be useful to someone.

like image 190
hcarver Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10


I prefer using an annotation so a listener can listen to different types of events.

public class BrokerTestMain {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        Broker broker = new Broker();
        broker.add(new Component());

        broker.publish(new Date());

class Component {
    public void onString(String s) {
        System.out.println("String - " + s);

    public void onDate(Date d) {
        System.out.println("Date - " + d);

    public void onDouble(Double d) {
        System.out.println("Double - " + d);


String - Hello
Date - Tue Nov 13 15:01:09 GMT 2012
Double - 3.1415

public @interface Subscription {

public class Broker {
    private final Map<Class, List<SubscriberInfo>> map = new LinkedHashMap<Class, List<SubscriberInfo>>();

    public void add(Object o) {
        for (Method method : o.getClass().getMethods()) {
            Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
            if (method.getAnnotation(Subscription.class) == null || parameterTypes.length != 1) continue;
            Class subscribeTo = parameterTypes[0];
            List<SubscriberInfo> subscriberInfos = map.get(subscribeTo);
            if (subscriberInfos == null)
                map.put(subscribeTo, subscriberInfos = new ArrayList<SubscriberInfo>());
            subscriberInfos.add(new SubscriberInfo(method, o));

    public void remove(Object o) {
        for (List<SubscriberInfo> subscriberInfos : map.values()) {
            for (int i = subscriberInfos.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (subscriberInfos.get(i).object == o)

    public int publish(Object o) {
        List<SubscriberInfo> subscriberInfos = map.get(o.getClass());
        if (subscriberInfos == null) return 0;
        int count = 0;
        for (SubscriberInfo subscriberInfo : subscriberInfos) {
        return count;

    static class SubscriberInfo {
        final Method method;
        final Object object;

        SubscriberInfo(Method method, Object object) {
            this.method = method;
            this.object = object;

        void invoke(Object o) {
            try {
                method.invoke(object, o);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new AssertionError(e);
like image 12
Peter Lawrey Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10

Peter Lawrey

A modern update: ReactiveX is a very nice API for asynchronous programming based on the Observer pattern, and it's fully generic. If you're using Observer/Observable to "stream" data or events from one place in your code to another, you should definitely look into it.

It's based on functional programming, so it looks very sleek with Java 8's lambda syntax:

Observable.from(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
        .reduce((x, y) -> x + y)
        .map((v) -> "DecoratedValue: " + v)
like image 5
Lynn Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10
