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A data breach on a site or app exposed your password. Chrome recommends changing your password [closed]

I have a /login route that gets specific user profile from mongoose. I have .select('-password') working which excludes password but I still get the above warning from google chrome.

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Lokesh Bajracharya Avatar asked Jan 16 '20 11:01

Lokesh Bajracharya

People also ask

What does it mean if my passwords were found in a data breach?

If your password has been exposed in a data breach, you should immediately change the password on all affected accounts. Data breaches often occur as a means of obtaining sensitive information to commit further cybercrimes, such as identity theft or fraud.

Why am I getting messages about a data leak?

If you're getting this warning message, there's a high chance that your username, password (or both) were compromised in a data breach. Follow these steps to get your account secure again ASAP.

Should you change your password after a data leak?

Change your passwords It's a good idea to keep changing your password on a regular basis, but in the aftermath of a data breach, it's especially important to change your passwords to something strong, secure, and unique. And you should have multiple “passwords," not just one.

1 Answers

it is not the issue of node or mongo this feature has been added by google And google chrome for more information please check this like

warning A data breach on site

you will get your answer here

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CodeLover1540 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09
