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A constraint to prevent the insert of an empty string in MySQL

In this question I learned how to prevent the insert of a NULL value. But, unfortunately, an empty string is being inserted anyway. Apart from preventing this on the PHP side, I'd like to use something like a database constraint to prevent this. Of course a check on the application side is necessary, but I'd like it to be on both sides.

I am taught that whatever application is talking to your database, it should not be able to insert basically wrong data in it. So...

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tblFoo (   foo_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   foo_test varchar(50) NOT NULL,   PRIMARY KEY (foo_id) ); 

Would still allow me to do this insert:

INSERT INTO tblFoo (foo_test) VALUES (''); 

Which I would like to prevent.

like image 822
Whakkee Avatar asked Mar 25 '10 09:03


People also ask

How do I stop an empty value in SQL?

SELECT column_names FROM table_name WHERE column_name IS NOT NULL; Query: SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Name IS NOT NULL AND Department IS NOT NULL AND Roll_No IS NOT NULL; To exclude the null values from all the columns we used AND operator.

What is empty string in MySQL?

In MySQL, a NULL value means unknown. A NULL value is different from zero ( 0 ) or an empty string '' . A NULL value is not equal to anything, even itself. If you compare a NULL value with another NULL value or any other value, the result is NULL because the value of each NULL value is unknown.

How do you stop a column from accepting empty values?

To avoid a NULL value in a table column in MySQL we specify NOT NULL constraint when you create a table. But NOT NULL constraint still allows empty values. To avoid empty values while inserting a record we can have a check in the table DDL itself.

Is empty string considered NULL in MySQL?

In the above syntax, if you compare empty string( ' ') to empty string( ' '), the result will always be NULL.

1 Answers

Normally you would do that with CHECK constraint:

foo_test VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL CHECK (foo_test <> '') 

Prior to Version 8.0 MySQL had limited support for constraints. From MySQL Reference Manual:

The CHECK clause is parsed but ignored by all storage engines.

If you must stick to an old version use triggers as a workaround, as people have pointed out.

In future, you may want to take a look at PostgreSQL, which is considered to have better support for data integrity (among other things) by many people.

like image 130
jholster Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
