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A call to a static method within the parameter list of super() is valid in Java. Why?




Let's look at the following code snippet in Java.

package trickyjava;

class A
    public A(String s)

final class B extends A
    public B()
        super(method());      // Calling the following method first.      

    private static String method()
        return "method invoked";

final public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)
        B b = new B();

By convention, the super() constructor in Java must be the first statement in the relevant constructor body. In the above code, we are calling the static method in the super() constructor parameter list itself super(method());.

It means that in the call to super in the constructor B(), a method is being called BEFORE the call to super is made! This should be forbidden by the compiler but it works nice. This is somewhat equivalent to the following statements.

String s = method();

However, it's illegal causing a compile-time error indicating that "call to super must be first statement in constructor". Why? and why it's equivalent super(method()); is valid and the compiler doesn't complain any more?

like image 409
Lion Avatar asked Nov 11 '11 22:11


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2 Answers

The key thing here is the static modifier. Static methods are tied to the class, instance methods (normal methods) are tied to an object (class instance). The constructor initializes an object from a class, therefore the class must already have been fully loaded. It is therefore no problem to call a static method as part of the constructor.

The sequence of events to load a class and create an object is like this:

  1. load class
  2. initialize static variables
  3. create object
  4. initialize object <-- with constructor
  5. object is now ready for use


By the time the object constructor is called, the static methods and variables are available.

Think of the class and its static members as a blueprint for the objects of that class. You can only create the objects when the blueprint is already there.

The constructor is also called the initializer. If you throw an exception from a constructor and print the stack trace, you'll notice it's called <init> in the stack frame. Instance methods can only be called after an object has been constructed. It is not possible to use an instance method as the parameter for the super(...) call in your constructor.

If you create multiple objects of the same class, steps 1 and 2 happen only once.

(*static initializers and instance initializers left out for clarity)

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Barend Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 12:10


Yep, checking the JVM spec (though admittedly an old one):

In the instance init method, no reference to "this" (including the implicit reference of a return) may occur before a call to either another init method in the same class or an init method in the superclass has occurred.

This is really the only real restriction, so far as I can see.

like image 43
Hot Licks Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 12:10

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