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55 minutes to publish a simple project to google app engine from the command line

I've tried with the sdk 1.6.0, and with 1.6.1 (just out) with the same results. I would like to ask if it's normal to have a 55 minutes wait time before the upload script asks me for email and password and starts the actual upload, which took 3-4 additional minutes (the first time and few seconds the second time with 1.6.1).

Here is my command line, I'm using Linux Ubuntu and Java 1.6.0_23 OpenJDK

~/bin/appengine-java-sdk-1.6.1/bin/appcfg.sh update Task-0.1.BUILD-SNAPSHOT/

UPDATE: As for the comments, it seems is not a common problem, so I'm investigating with different tests, and will share the results in a few days.

UPDATE 2: A hand assembled project (JARs manually put in WEB-INF/lib) was uploaded in matter of seconds. However, the following Spring Roo project caused the problem (repeatable for me). My setup: Linux Ubuntu 11.10, OpenJDK 1.6.0_23, Google App Engine SDK 1.6.1, Maven 3.0.3, Spring Roo 1.1.5 - Here is how I create and upload the project.

$ mkdir task
$ cd task
$ roo
roo> project --topLevelPackage task --java 6
roo> persistence setup --provider DATANUCLEUS --database GOOGLE_APP_ENGINE \
    --applicationId <yourAppId>
roo> entity --class task.Task
roo> field string --fieldName description --notNull --sizeMin 3 --sizeMax 512
roo> field boolean --fieldName completed --notNull 
roo> controller all --package task.controller
roo> exit
$ mvn package
$ cd target
$ ~/bin/appengine-java-sdk-1.6.1/bin/appcfg.sh update task-0.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT

If anybody tries it, please confirm if you've the same problem (or not!).

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stivlo Avatar asked Dec 14 '11 17:12


2 Answers

I replayed the same example with Spring Roo 1.2.0. The only difference is that the entity command is now renamed entity jpa, to differentiate with MongoDB entities.

entity --class task.Task


entity jpa --class task.Task

Uploading to Google App Engine now takes approximately 1 minute and a half. While it's not blazingly fast, is now an acceptable wait.

So the solution to my problem, is to upgrade to Spring Roo 1.2.0, which BTW, was released a few days after this question was posted.

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stivlo Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 19:10


Yes it's perfectly normal - remember that GAE is based on existing load, and there is a geometric wait time for pollin the server when deploying.

If wait times are exorbitant .... Then you can just wait several hours --- in my experience, waiting overnight is generally a good policy.


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jayunit100 Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 18:10
