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403 when connecting to Azure App Configuration using a Managed Identity

I am trying to connect from a net framework app to Azure App Configuration using a Managed Identity but have permission issues.

How I connect

options.Connect(new Uri("https://myconfigstore.azconfig.io"), new ManagedIdentityCredential(clientId));

I have tried all the various clientId, objectids and applicationId guids I can find using the portal but are always getting a bad request no matter when guid I call it with

Azure.Identity.CredentialUnavailableException: 'ManagedIdentityCredential authentication unavailable, 
the requested identity has not been assigned to this resource.
Status: 400 (Bad Request)

If I create ManagedIdentityCredential without specifying an clientId I get this error

Azure.RequestFailedException: 'Service request failed.
Status: 403 (Forbidden)

I have granted my manage identity Azure App Configuration Data permission

enter image description here

Is this the clientId I should be using?

enter image description here


I have just tried to use the Id of my active directory (AAD --> Properties) and i get a

Azure.RequestFailedException: 'Service request failed.
Status: 403 (Forbidden)

That can only mean that I am using the wrong id because otherwise it should have returned 400 (Bad Request) like in the other error I see.

Full code

private static async Task Main()
        var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();

        const string clientId = "e589d9f1-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6bc940d50ab7";

        builder.AddAzureAppConfiguration(options =>
            options.Connect(new Uri("https://myconfigstore.azconfig.io"), new ManagedIdentityCredential(clientId));

        _configuration = builder.Build();

        Console.WriteLine("Number of keys: " + _configuration.GetChildren().Count());

        Console.WriteLine("Demo: " + _configuration["Demo"]);
like image 821
Tony Avatar asked May 11 '20 12:05


People also ask

How do I fix Azure 403 Forbidden error?

If you're using an Azure AD app registration to authenticate a client app, the second possible solution is to verify that the app registration has permissions configured for the Azure Digital Twins service. If these aren't configured, set them up.

How do I connect to Azure app configuration?

In the upper-left corner of the home page, select Create a resource. In the Search services and marketplace box, enter App Configuration and select Enter . Select App Configuration from the search results, and then select Create. Select the Azure subscription that you want to use to test App Configuration.

How do I enable managed identity in Azure App configuration?

Make sure the managed identity is granted either App Configuration Data Reader or App Configuration Data Owner role in the access control of your App Configuration instance. Wait for at least 15 minutes after the role assignment for the permission to propagate. Managed identity can ONLY work when your code is running in the Azure service.

How do I set up a managed identity in the portal?

To set up a managed identity in the portal, you first create an application and then enable the feature. Access your App Services resource in the Azure portal. If you don't have an existing App Services resource to work with, create one.

Do I need to provide the client ID for managed identity?

You only need to provide the client Id when you use user assigned managed identity. Make sure the managed identity is granted either App Configuration Data Reader or App Configuration Data Owner role in the access control of your App Configuration instance. Wait for at least 15 minutes after the role assignment for the permission to propagate.

How do I deploy a managed identity using app configurationquickstart?

To deploy the .NET Core app that you created in the Create an ASP.NET Core app with App Configurationquickstart and modified to use managed identities, follow the guidance in Publish your web app. In addition to App Service, many other Azure services support managed identities.

1 Answers

This document demonstrates how to use managed identity to access App Configuration from App Service, but you can replace the App Service with any other Azure services that support managed identity. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-app-configuration/howto-integrate-azure-managed-service-identity

Here are a few things I'd like to call out

  • Make sure the managed identity is enabled in the Azure service where your application runs.
  • When you are using system assigned managed identity, you don't need to provide the client Id. You only need to provide the client Id when you use user assigned managed identity.
  • Make sure the managed identity is granted either App Configuration Data Reader or App Configuration Data Owner role in the access control of your App Configuration instance.
  • Wait for at least 15 minutes after the role assignment for the permission to propagate.
  • Managed identity can ONLY work when your code is running in the Azure service. It will NOT work when running locally.
like image 112
Zhenlan Wang Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10

Zhenlan Wang